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digital signage

Digital Signage in The Mining Sector

Digital signage for mines is essential for an industry where communication is the lifeblood of safety and productivity. Advancements in technology have created the opportunity to improve current mining methodology. Digital signage for mines allows for the display of current safety information, production days and downtime, along with communication to instruct workers of hazards.

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digital signage

Video Conferencing Equipment Solutions

We live in a VIRTUAL WORLD now. Virtual marathons, virtual yoga classes, virtual learning and virtual meetings and we have acclimatized as though it was second nature. What has remained constant and allowed us to stay connected is digital technology. Through diverse digital platforms we can continue communicating uninterrupted.

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digital signage

Video Conferencing

Businesses across the globe are realizing the added benefits of VIDEO CONFERENCING. The “nice-to-have” has become a popular yet essential tool in modern-day communication. The

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digital signage


The effect of the Covid-19 outbreak has created a necessary and urgent demand for alternative learning and teaching methods. 1.2 Billion children are out-of-classroom, as a result of the global pandemic and therefore academic institutions have seen a massive surge in what has become the “new normal” in the form of remote learning, virtual classrooms and e-learning.

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digital signage

Digital Signage Meets Ecommerce

The retail shopping world has been forever changed with the coming of online shopping. New-age Internet advertising technology has proven to be massively effective at

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digital signage

SignageLive and Kicking

Step ahead of your competitors with the sophisticated, powerful cloud-based digital signage platform SIGNAGELIVE Globally ranked as one of the top five suppliers of digital

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